Skyforest Consulting


Your company website is your online storefront from which you can promote your products or services, as well as provide visitors with the information they need to make an informed decision.
Using WordPress CMS (Content Management System) that now powers 34% of all the websites on the Internet, our experienced webmaster and development team build beautiful websites:

Social Media Marketing

Digital Marketing

Affiliate Marketing

AI-driven Marketing

With a keen eye for design and a passion for creativity, we’re here to bring your vision to life.

Livian has been building software solutions and has manysenior leaders that have been leading digital transformation services onextensive long projects. Those individuals have seen thousands of builds acrossmany years of experience and all the factors that can affect a consultingproject. Using that knowledge, Livian has created its own product approachthat takes all the best of existing Agile practices and brings themto the client, the technology, and all the efforts that need to happen tomake a product successful. Sure, that often means some tough things need tohappen, but custom software development consulting is a messybusiness.

We start with the product’s invention. Livian can helpfigure out where there is a new need in product companies’ marketplaces or withtheir target audience and invent a product to cash in on that opening.
OurExperience Analysts work directly with business stakeholders throughout theapplication design and development process to ensure alignment among clientmanagement and technical teams within
your company. Livian can help you build the business case, the pricing model, the go-tomarket strategy, and all the plans and services needed across your organizationto make the product launch a success.

Of course, we build the software itself. From invention toarchitecture to development and launch, nobody does an Agile softwareproduct build better. We have the resources to build solutions
fromscratch or integrate existing systems into one application that does exactlywhat your business needs. Then, we can help you launch to the market easily when marketing, sales,and training of the product
have been included from the start. Livian is notjust a software project consulting company. Livian is a softwarePRODUCT company.